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Selected Publications

  • Cao, F., Flemming, R.L., Izawa, M.R.M., Agee, C.B., 2021. Mineralogy and Shock Effects in Martian Breccia Northwest Africa 7034 by in Situ Micro X-ray Diffraction. 52nd LPSC

  • Cao, F., Jaret S. J., Flemming, R.L., Izawa, M.R.M., Johnson, J.R., 2020. Micro X-ray diffraction characteristics of experimentally shocked andesine anorthosite: implications for quantifying shock effects in meteorites. 51st LPSC

  • Cao, F., Flemming, R.L., Izawa, M.R.M., Moser, D.E., 2019. Determination of mineral deformation in Martian regolith breccias using in situ micro x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy. 2019 GSA

  • Cao, F., Flemming, R.L., Izawa, M.R.M., Moriguti, T., 2019. Water abundance in apatite solid solutions in Martian regolith breccias and potential applications to Mars 2020. 2019 GSA

  • Cao, F., Flemming, R.L., Moser, D.E., Izawa, M.R.M., 2019. Mineralogy and shock effects in Martian regolith breccias. 82nd Metsoc

  • Cao, F., Flemming, R.L., Moser, D.E., Barker, I.R., Song, Y., 2018. Mineralogy and shock effects in Martian breccia NWA 8171 by microXRD and Raman spectroscopy. 2018 Goldschmidt

  • Flemming, R. L., Newman, J. D., Botor, R. J., Cao, F., Caudill, C. M. et al., 2018. Preliminary investigation of shocked carbonates from the Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, NU, using X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement. 49th LPSC

  • Liu, C., Ling, Z., Cao, F., Chen, J., 2017. Comparative Raman and visible near‐infrared spectroscopic studies of jarosite endmember mixtures and solid solutions relevant to Mars. J. Raman Spectrosc, 48(11), 1676-1684.

  • Cao, F., Ling, Z., Ni, Y., 2017. Chemical and spectroscopic investigations of K-H3O-Na jarosite solid solutions applicable for Mars explorations. J. Raman Spectrosc, 48(11), 1544-1553.

  • Cao, F., Flemming, R.L., Houde, V.L., 2017. Mineralogy and Shock Effects in Martian Breccia NWA 8171 by In Situ Micro X-ray Diffraction and Micro-Raman Spectroscopy. 48th LPSC

  • Ling, Z., Cao, F., Ni, Y., et al., 2016. Correlated analysis of chemical variations with spectroscopic features of the K-Na jarosite solid solutions relevant to Mars. Icarus, 271, 19-29.


Department of Earth Sciences
Western University

1151 Richmond Street
London, ON, Canada,

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